Add Ackly

Ackly uses your existing Slack channels and workflows with minimal effort.

Get started by adding Ackly to a public channel where you provide support to your customers. Just mention Ackly (@Ackly) in your channel and click Invite to Channel.

Use threads

Use threads to chat with your customers when they ask a question. It keeps your channel organized and enables Ackly to properly track the activity. If you aren't using threads to answer questions - start using them today!

Respond with reactions

Ackly listens for specific Slack reactions or emojis to provide useful data for your team. Download the custom emoji images and add them to your Slack workspace by following these instructions.

Emoji Chart
Use :ack: to let your customers know their question has been acknowledged and your teammates know you have it covered
Use :heavy_check_mark: or :white_check_mark: to indicate that you have answered the question
Use :donottrack: or :ignore: to tell Ackly not to track a message, maybe because it's not a question or the customer resolved it before you could answer.
Use :kb: to mark questions that you want to add to your knowledge base later
Create reports

Schedule automated Ackly reports for your team or request them manually whenever you'd like.

To setup an automated report, type the following into your channel where Ackly is running: /remind + name of your public channel + name of report + when you want to receive the report.

/remind #ask-growth-team "Ackly Daily Summary" weekdays at 5pm

Can't wait for the automated report? Request a report at any time by typing the name of the report (e.g. Ackly Daily Summary) in your channel. It's that simple!

Types of Reports
Ackly Daily Summary
Includes all information types for a given day: question tracking stats, teammate recognition, links to unanswered questions, and links to questions to add to knowledge base.
Recommended cadence: weekdays at 5pm
Ackly Weekly Summary
Includes total number of questions asked for the week and the weekly leaderboard. The leaderboard highlights the top three people who answered the most questions that week.
Recommended cadence: Fridays at 5pm
Ackly KB Daily Summary
Includes links to all questions that were marked that day with the :kb: reaction indicating that they should be added to the knowledge base.
Recommended cadence: ad hoc
Ackly KB Weekly Summary
Includes links to all questions that were marked that week with the :kb: reaction indicating that they should be added to the knowledge base.
Recommended cadence: Mondays at 10am
Ackly Unanswered Daily Summary
Includes links to all questions that haven't been answered on any given day.
Recommended cadence: weekdays at 3pm
Ackly Unanswered Weekly Summary
Includes links to all questions that haven't been answered over the course of the week.
Recommended cadence: ad hoc